Vegetables and Fruits have their own Season

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I think all of us can smell or see a certain food cooking and relate it to a holiday, a special day or a season. I have several of these thoughts. When I smell oranges I always think of Christmas. Turnip greens and apples always makes me think of fall. Coconut cake makes me think of spring. Homemade ice cream makes me think of summer. I could keep going but I think you get the idea.

Of course fresh vegetables and fruits always taste best. With most foods we relate their freshness with the seasons they grow in. Another bonus of using fresh in season food is that the cost is usually lower. With our favorites we hate to see their seasons go. We know that with the season the freshness has past for another year.

Recently I found a chart listing several popular fruits and vegetables. The chart also shows which season you can find these items in their peek freshness. I found it to be interesting and thought you might as well.

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