Today’s Sermon was NOT from the Preacher


As a young mother I remember praying every morning. I would pray for patience for the day. I prayed I would have patience with my two precious little boys. They deserved patience and required patience. I never wanted to get angry and yell at them. I know there were a few times I failed at both of my goals. However I prayed and did my very best. I loved seeing my boys smile. I loved knowing they knew they were loved. Being a mother can be the most rewarding job in the world.

This morning while in worship service at church I saw a young mother in front of me. I had watched this young lady grow from a child herself into a loving mother. She and her husband sat there with two small boys. I watched her as the youngest climbed around on her and the chairs. He was very quite while doing this. The only one that might have been inconvenienced or disturbed was his mom. She would look at him and give him a large smile. He would look back at her with adoring eyes and go on being a little boy climbing around.

One time she was standing to sing and he tugged at her leg. She turned around reached out her arms and smiled that big smile. It took him several minutes to respond and climb into her arms. I thought how special that she did not grow impatient with him and reach down and jerk him up by his little arms. Instead she waited for his young mind and body to respond. I have witnessed the opposite. I have seen moms turn around and jerk their child up so hard it looked like they might break a arm.

During the singing, this mom would look into her little boys face and sing about the love of God. Then she would end her song with that big smile. I thought how this little boy was learning about the love of God through his mom.

The little boy decided to play a little game. He was pretending to wipe his nose with a tissue and then would do the same to his mom. Not sure how sanitary this was but still just a child’s game. She allowed this quite little game to go on. Never once did she get impatient. Never once did she look at him with a frown. She always had a patient and loving face for her son. He always had the sweet and adoring look for her.

Where does patience come from? I do not think it is something we are born with or that just comes upon a person. I really believe patience is something that is learned and practiced. Every child deserves patient parents. Every child deserves love and affection. No child will ever say “you hug or kiss me to much mom”. Hugs and kisses make a child’s day and life happier. As they grow they need more patience and affection to help them face the tough times that come their way. If you see your child looking sad give them a smile and hug. Watch how their attitude changes. Their little face will brighten and all of a sudden their world is brighter.

Discipline and guidance is very important. Patience is just as important. Being patient does not mean you neglect discipline and guidance. It does mean you pick your battles and think before you react. It means you discipline out of love and not out of anger. Before losing your patience with your child ask yourself the following. 1. Is my child in danger? Of course if this is the case you must act quickly. However once the child is out of danger, with love explain why you reacted the way you did. Explain where the danger lies. 2. Is my child destroying property? We work hard for our “things”. We all hate to see something torn up. Remember a child sometimes does not realize he is doing damage. Every child should be taught to respect the property of others. Remember that house is their house and home as well as yours. Teach them to take care of it. 3. Is my child being disrespectful to me or someone else? A child should always be taught to respect God, adults, and laws. Once again remember children sometimes say and do things that they may not realize is disrespectful. Respect is one of the greatest lessons for a child. If a child knows respect, good behavior will usually fall into place. This is one lesson that is very important as they grow older. They must have and show respect to function well in their adult life. 4. Will my child’s action today make a difference tomorrow? Just because it puts a little more work on you or you do not like something yourself does not make it a bad thing for your child to do. Pick your battles. Somethings should just be overlooked. Don’t make a mountain out of an ant hill. 5. Ask yourself am I being fair to my child. You may have had a bad day at work. Guess what? Your child may have had a bad day at school. Another child may have picked on them. They may have been made fun of. After a bad day try to just stay calm and make it a cuddling evening. BTW sometimes children have a headache or another ache. They just do not realize exactly what is wrong and can’t express it.

Make your home a happy and safe place for your family. I know adults that do not want to visit their parents because of the memories in that home when they were a child. You will always want them to come home. They learn their patience and their parenting skills from you. Dad and Mom remember the happier you are, the happier your children will be. The better your attitude, the better your child’s attitude. The more patient you are the more patient your child will be. Remember the greatest blessing on this earth is a child and of course having a loving spouse to share them with.

The three “P’s” of patience: Pray for patience daily. Practice patience. Provide patience.

I have to admit I am not entirely sure what was taught from the preacher’s sermon today. I do know I was blessed and I was taught what love and patience looks like and is. Thank you Brooklyn.

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