Fluoride in our grapes?

Why would fluoride be put in our grapes or any of our food? I am a believer in leaving food as natural as possible. I think it is healthier in its most natural form than any other way. Even cooking removes some of the nutritional value from our food. Of course I know you can’t eat all food raw. But I do believe that we should have the option to add chemicals or other items to our food ourselves. We should not be stuck with added ingredients to our food.

In most areas we are forced to have fluoride in our drinking water. This is causing health problems in epidemic proportion. Now we are learning it is also in our food.

Grape growers spray the grapes with pesticides and herbicides made from fluoride compounds. They do this because of a leaf eating pest. This practice has been taking place for over 50 years. That means the grapes most of us have been eating have contained doses of fluoride for the pest and for us. I did not know that. Did you?

Not only does this show up in the grapes we eat, but it also shows up in the wine we drink. The levels found are far higher than the EPA says is acceptable. Many of our domestic wines are not allowed to be imported into Europe and other places. They require lower amounts in their wines. Grape growers have been warned by the company making the pesticides containing fluoride to use a lesser amount on grapes that will be put in wine shipped to Europe. However no such warning has been made for the grapes used in domestic wines. What is up with that?

Fluoride chemicals are not biodegradable, so therefore it builds up in the soil. The plants take the chemicals into their leaves, stems, and fruit. Then we put them into our mouths and bodies. What is it doing to our health?

Our two options for a safer wine is to buy wine that has been made in other countries other than US. To shop for wine made with organically grown grapes.

When we shop it is our privilege to ask where our grapes were grown and if they sprayed with chemicals. Check the rest of the story and find out exactly what to watch for when buying grapes or wine.


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